Saturday, August 10, 2013

Save The World! ... Go Out And Shoot A Cow!

I read an article in my newspaper entitled...

Scientists to Cook World’s First In-Vitro Beef Burger

It seems that 2 scientists over in Europe have been working for years trying to grow beef in labs in petri dishes. They have gotten to the point where they have grown enough beef to cook a Beef Burger. They are about to make up a patty, fry it in a pan and 2 volunteers stand ready to chow down.

The scientists are apparently trying to save the world with this experiment. Do you think I got carried away with this “save the world” comment? The scientists would contend that I was right on target.

They are saying this about the importance of their experiment...

Success would mean not just a tasty burger, but also the prospect of finding a sustainable, ethical and environmentally friendly alternative to meat production.

Did I just hear you say to yourself, “What’s so wrong with meat production?” I don’t want to come down too hard on you, dear reader, but it is this type of antiquated thinking that has held back real progress since God, or The Big Bang, invented the Human Race. Their contention is that Meat Production is one of the most evil happenings that has ever happened since Adam noticed that Eve was quite attractive.

The above far reaching statements did not just come from the silly mind of the Smartfella. According to a 2006 report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization...

Industrialized agriculture contributes on a “massive scale” to climate change, air pollution, land degradation, energy use, deforestation and biodiversity decline.

During WW2 a lot of bullets and bombs were directed at the competing forces. Imagine how much better off we all would be today if all those ballistics had been directed at cows.

It is just a shame that we were not as enlightened during WW2 as we are today. If we had been, we could have stopped a lot of cows dead in their tracks before they had their way with us and we could have turned that awful war into a thing of beauty.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have hit on a real goldmine in this expose of another waste of money and talent in this small case usa. The patty (glob of chemicals ) only cost hundreds of thousands of $$ but don't get your udders up at that. Where's the beef can become the rallying cry not just at Wendy's but at the NSA & CIA as they enlarge their simple search for terrorists by listening in and recording not just every phone call and email in the usa but every moo. Glad we have so many drones available and homeland security has stockpiled so many billions of rounds of ammo for use as needed. Guess we will have spend another couple of billion more to house the records of the moo security force.